we're here for you


Barbell Method is a diverse prescription of mental, physical, and environmental changes designed to heal the Body & Mind.

Through Olympic Weightlifting, we begin & end this process with the Barbell. Thus, the Barbell Method.


Enrollment in ANY portion of Barbell Method includes access to our Members Only Discord application. A virtual home for our growing Family!

Remote coaching

It isn't magic, Science is a thing! Barbell Method knows the Science, so you don't have too. Plus, having a Coach in our pocket is the next best thing to LIVE coaching.

Remote coaching includes;
- Olympic Weightlifting instruction
- Personalized Programming
- Direct access to Coach via Text/Call/eMail/Zoom
- Video analysis & review
- Instructional text/video feedback

Recurring programming every 4 weeks.


In-person & virtual coaching

Learning to move our body correctly will;
- Maximize the results from our training
- Reduce the potential of injury
- Ensure long-term sustainability
- & the best way to accelerate this learning curve is with LIVE coaching.

Whether face-to-face or Virtually, LIVE coaching from Barbell Method is now available; anywhere, anytime, from any mobile device.

Save $20 on Virtual sessions.

NOTE: Weekly recurring sessions of once a week or more include;
- Olympic Weightlifting instruction
- All perks & benefits of the Remote Coaching package
- A scaled version of Body Maintenance (included & redeemed in-person sessions only)

- Nutritional Consultation
- & Strong Mind

#PersonalTraining #PrivateInstruction

Download the Barbell Method App below

Apple App Store

Google Play

Weightlifting Foundations

Movements, Sets, Reps, %'s, Warm-ups, Cool-downs, Coaching Queues, Video Demonstrations, & MORE!!

12 months of programming designed to bring one from never having touched a barbell, to being competent enough to run any custom programming without fear of injury.

Participants in this program will learn;
- Olympic Weightlifting movements
- The fundamentals of Functional Body Movement
- Proper Technique to reduce injury risk
- Beginner to Advanced Barbell training
- The Olympic Weightlifting movements
- How to read programming
- How to establish MAX's
- How to train percentages

- & much more!

All while gradually accumulating the base strength & movement competency required to train like a pro!

Among the Weightlifting Foundations participants, all are eligible, but only the brave will take advantage of submitting their video for review during the weekly Weightlifting Foundations PODcast. This Q&A format will allow us to engage directly, answering questions once, for many. See you soon!!

DOWNLOAD; the Barbell Method App NOW for access!!

#WeightliftingFoundations #OlympicWeightlifting

Olympic weightlifting classes
are the best type of training for BJJ Strength & Conditioning

Olympic Weightlifting classes are the best type of training for BJJ Strength and Conditioning with Barbell Method is the missing link to your Jiu Jitsu Grappling training. BJJ Strength and Conditioning is designed to enhance roll performance while reducing injury rate. Come try a class today, on us, at Downtown Jiu Jitsu Club!

@DowntownJiuJitsuClub @BarbellMethod
#BrazillianJiuJitsu #Grappling

Attendee's of the Olympic Weightlifting classes will see improvements in the following areas;
- Olympic Weightlifting
- Strength
- Endurance
- Power
- Speed
- Explosiveness
- Coordination
- Flexibility
- Stability

#BjjStrengthAndConditioning #OlympicWeightlifting #InjuryResistance #BodyMaintenance

Weightlifting Foundations podcast

The Weightlifting Foundations PODcast is a weekly service provided by Barbell Method where we;

- Olympic Weightlifting
- Distribute FREE educational content
- Perform movement reviews of student/subscriber submissions
- & field questions from the Barbell Method community.

Join us, talk soon!

#WeightliftingFoundationsPODcast @WeightliftingFoundationsPODcast

Body maintenance

Training like a pro & simply living our lives, can leaves us;
- Tight
- Sore
- Injured

- or restricted

Our tissues often need physical manipulation to restore blood flow and functionality.

Our interactive Body Maintenance sessions can be personalized & tailored based on need.

If we're gonna train like Olympians, we gotta recover Olympians.

- A scaled version of Body Maintenance is included with all recurring sessions of once a week or more (redeemed in-session).

#BodyMaintenance #InjuryResistance

Nutritional consultation

Providing the right building materials for your body is paramount to expediting your gains. Nutritional guidance is provided in the form of consultation.

We will discuss;
- Suggested food lists
- Eating windows
- Choleric restriction
- Intermittent Fasting

-& more

All based on your individual goals. Our journey as an Olympic Weightlifter is enhanced or diminished by our nutritional decisions.

- Included with Remote Coaching or any recurring session of once a week or more.

Strong Mind

To have a strong Body, we must maintain a strong Mind. At Barbell Method, we do this by attaching Breath to Movement.

When our Mind isn't tended too we may experience;
- Extreme physical/mental fatigue
- Distortions towards anger/irritation
- Micro doses of depression/anxiety
- We become prone to addictions
- & we're easily influenced.

If this experience continues long enough, we can manifest chronic conditions or a break. Same as a physical injury occurs from extended improper use.

This Mind is a complex system which like the Body, requires regular maintenance & training.

Start learning how to cultivate & maintain a Strong Mind with Barbell Method today.

- Included with Remote Coaching or recurring sessions of once a week or more.

#BodyAndMind #BreathToMovement